Get 1,000+ downloads on your Android Application

Basic Analysis of Google Play Store Apps dataset

Ekemini Okpongkpong
3 min readFeb 29, 2020

This analysis was performed on Google Play Store App dataset from Kaggle using Python . In this dataset, there are 10,842 applications and each application has the following details: Application name, Category, Rating (on a scale of 5), Number of Reviews, Size of the app, Number of installs, Application Type — Free or Paid, Price, Content Rating, Genres, Last updated On, Current Version, Required Android Version.

In order to get 1,000+ downloads on your Android Application, you need to know the current statistics of the android market.

This article will display the results of the following questions;

1. What category of applications have the highest number of installs?

2. Does the price of the application affect the number of installs?

3. Does Content Rating affect the number of installs?

What category of applications have the highest number of installs?

There are 33 categories and the image below shows the percentage of installs per category.

Here, the categories of applications with the highest number of installs are; Game, Communication and Social.

Percentage of Installs per Category

Does the price of the application affect the number of installs?

There are more Free applications than Paid ones, the image below displays that. Users tend to install free or less expensive apps than paid ones.

Percentage of Free Apps to Paid Apps

Does Content Rating affect the number of installs?

Yes, Content rating affects the number of installs. There are more installs for “Everyone” and “Teen” .

Content Rating per Installs
Content rating and Category per Number of Applications

Most Applications have Everyone as their target audience.


Here are a few recommendations for those interested in getting 1,000+ downloads on their Android Application;

· The Application should be either in the Game, Communication or Social Category.

· The Application should be free but if the developer decides to attach a price tag, it should be within the range of 0–2$.

· The Target audience for applications should be Everyone or Teens.

These are not the only factors that guarantees getting 1,000+ downloads on your Android Application but it’s an edge.

Full Analysis



Ekemini Okpongkpong
Ekemini Okpongkpong

Written by Ekemini Okpongkpong

IT Generalist | Content Writer | Researcher

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