She Code Africa Mentoring Program — 1 Month down, 2 to go

Ekemini Okpongkpong
2 min readFeb 7, 2020
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Last month was quite exciting for me as an aspiring Data Scientist; I was selected to participate as a Mentee in the 1st Cohort of the She Code Africa Mentoring Program, Data Science track. I was assigned a Mentor and a Learning Path. Needless to say, I was filled with overwhelming joy to advance my Data Science journey with an experienced mind in the field solidly behind my endeavour.

This article is a summary of what I’ve learnt so far.

Learning Path:

  • Basic SQL
  • Tableau for Data Visualization
  • Python
  • Git

Each path had its assignments and resources.

Basic SQL

I learnt the fundamentals of SQL Joins, SQL Queries and SQL Aggregate functions. SQL Joins are used to combine rows or columns from two or more tables, SQL Aggregate functions are used to produce summarized data from a database, these functions are; COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG. Resource

I installed SQLite DB Browser and used it to query the Chinook Music Store’s database in order to answer some questions.


According to Dataquest, Data Visualization is a discipline that focuses on transforming data from table representations to visual ones. Tableau is one of the leading Data Visualization tools. Tableau’s drag and drop interface can be used to visualize any data, discover different views, and also combine multiple databases effortlessly. Visual tools like; colors, trend lines, charts, and graphs can be used to analyze the data. After the visualization, sharing with others is done by publishing to Tableau Public Server.

I used Tableau to create my first data visualization from a dataset and the result was incredible.


Python is a general-purpose programming language and it’s good for Data Science because it has the needed libraries. I learnt Python fundamentals; Control flow, functions, data types and operators. I installed Jupyter Notebook as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

I used this knowledge to write two python programs;

1. To randomly generate a number between 0 and 20 where the user has to guess what the number it is.

2. To generate a random password for the user.


This task was a little bit easy because I used Github during startNG’s internship programme last year. So, I created a new repository to store last month’s assignments but each assignment for this month will have its own repository. Github Repository link

Yea, last month was amazing and I’m prepared to learn more about Data Science; python libraries, data wrangling, etc. this month.

Thank you Shomoye Oluwatosin for proof reading this article.

